Hello! My name is Brandon Korb, that’s me in the banner of this page. I’m a physicist/mathematician/engineer currently working as a software engineer until I start a physics PhD program in the Fall of 2022. I graduated from the University of Colorado, Boulder in December of 2021 with a bachelors in Physics and Mathematics. My interests shift pretty rapidly, but over the past few years I’ve spent time exploring things such as:

  • Artificial Intellegence
  • Computer Vision
  • Numerical Simulation
  • Racing Drones
  • Cinematography
  • Video Editing
  • Electronics
  • Terrariums
  • Mountain Biking
  • Bikepacking
  • Bike Maintenance
  • Skiing
  • Bouldering
  • Soccer
  • Photography
  • Language Learning

I’m always looking for new things to try and new people to do things with, so feel free to reach out if you’re interested in any of these topics as well. I’m currently working on an autonomous fixed wing drone for outdoor cinematography, so expect to see posts about that project in the near future.

On this site, I’ll post short articles about the projects I’m working on in my free time. Whether you’re here to explore or to review my portfolio, I hope you enjoy your stay! My intended layout for this site is to post semi-frequent updates on my ongoing projects and other short things under posts with a blog-like format. I will post longer, more detailed descriptions of my projects and adventures under their respective pages with an article-like format.